A Unique Partnership
/On a sunny warm late September afternoon, more than ninety 6th--8th grade students at Zion Lutheran School on Harvester Road in St. Charles walked many miles around their campus and church cemetery to raise money to support the ministry of Christian Friends of New Americans. Their annual walk-a-thon has raised money for Operation Christmas Child and Lutheran World Relief in the past, but this year they chose to support a local mission opportunity.
Walking with the Zion students were Kalkidan and Pukar, eighth grade students at Word of Life Lutheran School. Between the two of them they completed 43 laps or 14 miles! Pukar ran many of the laps with several new friends, while Kalkidan and her new friends walked.
The walk-a-thon raised almost $4000, which will support scholarships to Word of Life for Kalkidan and Pukar and another student at Word of Life.
The additional funds will be used to purchase items for the junior high school’s Christmas service project. The students will be preparing Welcome Packages for CFNA to distribute to new individuals who come to the Peace Center for health screenings, furniture deliveries, and the other “entry” level services provided by CFNA to newly-arrived New Americans. The students will provide some of the comfort items for the packages, and the walk-a-thon funds will provide some of the basics, such as soaps, that are always included in these packets.
Besides getting some exercise, both Kalkidan and Pukar mentioned enjoying the afternoon because they met some new friends. Perhaps those friends will help deliver the welcome packets to the Peace Center and connect again with Kalkidan and Pukar.
By Judith Meyer, Timothy Lutheran Church