After School Tutoring

Tuesday, May 21 marked the last day of class for the 2012-13 After School Tutoring program. During the past nine months 218 students (22 more than last year) between grades K and 11 participated at least once in the twice weekly classes. Six students were in attendance more than 50 times each.

These students were from 17 birth nations, with Nepal claiming the highest number (81). Other countries with larger numbers include Liberia (18) Eritrea (17) and Ethiopia (10).

The overwhelming majority - more than 80% - arrived in St. Louis (and the USA) within the past five years. Of equal interest to the mission minded, of the 97 students who declared their religion, 52 identified themselves as Christian (28 Lutheran, very few of whom arrived St. Louis as members of the Lutheran community), 34 Hindu and 11 Muslim.  The remaining number (121) did not identify their religion.

The high point of the last day of class, and perhaps the entire year, was a walk to Ted Drewes located just four blocks away for some delicious frozen custard. Eighty seven – 65 students and 22 tutors – made the trip. (See group photo.)

We wish all of the students, and the more than 30 volunteer teachers who participated in this ministry, the very best and look forward to seeing them again in September at the beginning of the next academic year.