After School Tutoring 2014-2015
/The 2014-15 tutoring year came to a close on Tuesday, May 19, with more than 70 New American students and tutors participating in a closing devotion at the Peace Center. This was followed by a five block walk to Ted Drews where delicious frozen custard was enjoyed by all. After returning to the Peace Center, special awards of encouragement and affirmation were presented to the students.
Sixty four tutoring sessions were offered this academic year, with an average of 30 New American students in attendance per session. They represent numerous birth nations including Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Yemen and more. More than 100 New American students participated, of whom 70 percent identify themselves as Christians. Of that number 38, together with their families, now regularly attend Lutheran congregations in the vicinity; primarily Ascension and Timothy Lutheran Churches. In addition, students from the Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist communities were also regular participants.
Many thanks and much appreciation go to the approximately 25 volunteer tutors, including several Concordia Seminary students, who offered their services throughout the year. Several of these are now multiple year participants, which has brought much needed stability to this ministry. Our thanks also to the 25 Pastors from numerous area Lutheran congregations who provided thoughtful, interesting and Bible based devotions throughout the year.
Rev. Stanish Stanley, CFNA Executive Director, served as the coordinator for this ministry for a second year in a row. His outstanding servant leadership assured the continuing high quality of this program. We extend our sincere thanks to him, and to the members of his very fine family.
(from information provided by Sandy Gerber)