After School Tutoring 2023-2024!
The 2023-24 After School Tutoring program (AST) came to a close with a gathering at St. Trinity Lutheran Church located at 7404 Vermont Ave. in South city. On Tuesday, May 14th, a day that fluctuated between stormy rains and dry spells, approximately 60 kids and volunteers gathered to celebrate with fellowship, games, and pizza - nine months of twice-weekly tutoring classes.
Gathering the New American kids for this party was an exercise in itself. Ably supported by five driving volunteers making multiple rounds, students from different parts of South city were picked up from their homes and transported to St. Trinity. As a volunteer driver, one of my stops was at the home of a recently arrived Rwandan family whose four kids have been coming to the program since February.
Daughter Agnes was waiting on the steps of her home as I was greeted by her mom. “Pastor Stanish, thank you so much for coming…Agnes was crying because she missed her pick-up when your person came for her elder sister. Thank you for taking her to the party.” A joyous and relieved Agnes was happy to join 60 others in an evening of fun and games – basketball, soccer, music, and FOOD! The evening fellowship included pizza and snow cones arranged by Thursday Supervisor - Mrs. Amy Zeigler. Around 18 volunteers and 7 friends from St. Trinity provided much-needed supervision and care as well.
The tutoring classes this year saw a step-by-step increase in student and volunteer participation. Starting cautiously with our COVID-era framework of only 15 kids per session, by May 2024 the program was running at 30+ students per session. Approximately 90 kids from 12 birth countries were served by more than 25 regular tutors from various Lutheran congregations and SLU on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week. Umetulisha Food Ministry (Restore St. Louis) blessed the kids with a hot meal at each session, while students from Saint Louis University’s Inter-professional (IPE) group provided health education projects. In this work partnerships are everything, and the additional resources made available through these partnerships were of great value to the students and their families.
Ring Games
As we thank St. Trinity for hosting our closing party again this year, CFNA is grateful for the many Christ-driven servants who see the tutoring program as part of their mission calling. We especially acknowledge and thank our supervisors – Mrs. Jennifer (Tuesday) and Mrs. Amy (Thursday) for their leadership. Additionally, we extend a big thank you to our program registrar, Ms. Sandy, and the more than 25 volunteers who assisted on a regular basis. And yes, thanks to Umetulisha for all the hot meals!!
All these friends and many more truly have their hearts and minds on things above (Col 3: 2) – to live-out and display their Christian love and generosity for the young stranger in our midst!
By Rev. Stanish Stanley,
Executive Director, CFNA with
Rev. Al Buckman