After School Tutoring Resumes

On Monday, September 10, CFNA resumed its After School Tutoring program for the current academic year.  Classes are offered for New American students between Kindergarten and 12th grade.  This year, between 40 and 50 students have been participating each week.

The program runs from 5 to 7:30pm at the Peace Center on 4019 South Grand Blvd every Monday and Tuesday night.  It is effectively led by Carol Buckman and Adam Ellsworth, and aided by a team of more than 20 experienced, loving and enthusiastic tutors.

We begin with an hour of homework assistance, or workbook and coloring exercises for the younger students, followed by snack time and a visit to the chapel to sing and learn about Jesus.  After Chapel we head out to the playground for some fun on the swingset or downstairs for a game of ping pong or air hockey.  At the end of each night we finish up our homework or enjoy some reading time.  Every session is sure to be a positive and productive experience, and a great opportunity to make new friends!

--Robert Lampros
