Alicia Maners
CFNA Associate
alicia maners
I originally connected with CFNA through my summer internship with ILAD (International Literacy and Development), an organization dedicated to helping marginalized people groups though literacy and development ( ILAD is currently partnering with refugee communities in three strategic cities (Dallas, San Diego, and St. Louis) through literacy development and job creation. This summer, I am working in South St. Louis City and South St. Louis County to research the viability of a business as a mission effort that would benefit the economic development of specifically Arabic-and Kurdish-speaking refugee communities.
One way ILAD can help these underserved people is by creating jobs for refugee women. CFNA already recognizes and provides for many needs of refugee women through ESL classes, driving courses, Heart-to-Heart ministry, and, ultimately, a community of believers dedicated to sharing the love of Christ. Therefore, I approached CFNA with the opportunity to start a sewing class that will teach skills needed for a job in the dry cleaning business or as a seamstress. Perhaps some of the women might decide to start their own businesses! Each class will start with a Bible study, followed by a shared meal. Our goal is always to draw refugees into a community of believers, and a sewing initiative will help accomplish this while enabling women to provide for their own families.
I am an English with licensure major at Harding University. I’ve also added a Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) certification and a linguistics minor. In addition to my academic studies, my study-abroad and mission-work experiences have molded my passion for refugee communities. Through travel, I have been exposed to many ethnic groups and have learned how to work with and serve them. With this internship with ILAD and work as a CFNA associate, I’ll be able to use these relational skills while interacting with the Arabic-and Kurdish-speaking refugee communities in St. Louis.
Grace and Peace, Alicia Maners CFNA Associate