All Heart. All Strength. All Mind.

For high schoolers, summer is the season for dipping toes not only into pools - but also the workforce. Internships, exploratory learning, and educational programs often require competitive resumes and are sought after by several applicants. Stemming from students trying to narrow down that question of ‘what do I want to do when I grow up?’ Additionally, activities over the summer look nice on future college and job applications. 

At CFNA, we strive to follow Jesus’s words to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength and with all your mind.” (Mathew 22:37) We try to model love, service and learning to our clients and celebrate when they engage in opportunities to do likewise. 

This spring, at After School Tutoring, we dedicated several hours to asking what our high school students were interested in being a part of during the summer, filling out application forms, and creating content to fulfill these desires. Overwhelmingly, our efforts have been rewarded. 

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Denver, Colorado hosts one of our young adults, Phoibe, who is teaching students interested in STEM and the Arts. She is staying with a family from Our Father Lutheran Church, and learning many life lessons, while teaching others. 

Locally, Rhoda was accepted into SIFT, a research program designed by The Missouri Botanical Gardens, Tyson, and Washington University. She is studying the life and patterns of ants at Shaw Nature Reserve. This internship lasts the year, walking the youth through varying stages of the arthropod’s life. 

The St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District chose our friend, Nanama, to be their summer intern. She will be working in the main office learning business integrations and probably doing her share of filing… 

In a less formal way, Gentil, has become an interpreter with CFNA, volunteering countless hours assisting in the collection of forms and helping the families understand the programs available to their children at the Peace Center. Driving to another home visit for the day, I was profusely thanking Gentil for his service, he simply replied, “I am happy to serve CFNA as it has done so much for me and my family.” 

Within our walls, 12 of our high schoolers are engaged in a Math and Music night where we are meeting weekly to work on ACT Prep math skills for half of the time, then allowing to students to explore instruments like the violin, guitar, and piano. In between sessions, we are sharing a meal together and doing devotions. We are so thankful for both new and seasoned volunteers leading these tutoring efforts. 

Know of any businesses or situations that could host an internship? Let us know, we have some amazing youth with the love of Jesus flowing through their actions. Or come, volunteer, and see what we are up to! Join us for a night of tutoring and engage in life transformation for these youth - it will transform your life as well, living out your call to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength and with all your mind.

By Amy Zeigler
CFNA Community Engagement Facilitator

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