An Engaged Family

quiwonyen hollowanger

quiwonyen hollowanger

wayea hollowanger

wayea hollowanger

ellen hollowanger

ellen hollowanger

Editor’s Note: Now in its tenth year, the Scholarship Assistance Program is CFNA’s longest running ministry. Here we catch a glimpse of a Liberian family fully engaged in CFNA, Lutheran Schools and their congregation, Emmanuel Chapel.

A member of Immanuel Chapel Lutheran Church in Florissant contacted CFNA in the summer of 2012 about a family who moved to St. Louis from Liberia four years earlier; they needed help so their children could attend Grace Chapel Lutheran School. Thus began a relationship between the Hollowangers and CFNA that has expanded and continues.  Three Hollowanger children are now receiving scholarships to attend Grace Chapel and Lutheran High North, and Immanuel Chapel has helped support those scholarships each year, with their gift matched by the Lutheran Foundation.

Wayea and Quiwonyen started as fourth and third graders at Grace Chapel in 2012 and are now a sophomore and freshman at Lutheran North. They were joined by their younger sister Ellen in 2015; she was born six months after the Hollowangers arrived in St. Louis. This year, Wayea is on the LHSN soccer and basketball teams. Quiwonyen has jumped into life at Lutheran North, playing on the volleyball and basketball teams, singing in the choir and participating in the school’s musical. Ellen, who is in the third grade at Grace Chapel, also enjoys singing.

Wayea and Quiwonyen have both volunteered at the CFNA Trivia nights, along with the father and mother, “to show appreciation for the support that CFNA has provided for their children.”

By Judith Meyer Timothy Lutheran Church