
Colorful shards of broken glass bottles covered most of the recently completed sport court at Marquette Park on May 17th, as After School Tutoring volunteers arrived for the end of the year celebration planned that afternoon. “It’s a beautiful sport court, painted with bright colors, and we have been excited to utilize this great resource that is so close,” explained Tuesday AST coordinator Jennifer Janssen. “Since we can’t really run and play at the Peace Center, we wanted to celebrate the end of our weekly tutoring program with some soccer and bike riding at the park.” 

But broken bottles covered the court, and the refugee students were already being shuttled to the park by other volunteers. Quick thinking, many hands, and a well-stocked broom closet at the Peace Center saved the day. Facilities Coordinator Gary Schafer returned to the park with brooms and dust pans shortly before the first students arrived. Several neighborhood children watched as volunteers Addie and Ben Janssen, Sandy Gerber, and Summer Intern Anna Pavia started pushing brooms. The first students to arrive immediately requested brooms and set to work, clearing the court of glass so it would be safe to use. Several neighborhood children grabbed their bikes or scooters and came closer. “Can I help, too?” they asked, and after 30 minutes of work by volunteers, refugees, and locals, the court was safe and children on scooters and bicycles were giggling as their older siblings played soccer. 

Frisbees flew through the air between volunteer Nathan Decker and several other students, while volunteers Abby and Naomi Irwin talked and chalked Scripture verses on the sidewalks with several other refugee students. After a meal of walking tacos, graciously provided by Umetulisha, refugees and neighborhood children enjoyed ice cream. 

“Our plan had been to serve our refugee friends, and to bless them with a fun event,” explained Janssen. “But what happened was so much better. We gave them the opportunity to serve their neighbors, and they did it joyfully. These kids are so thankful for the time we invest helping them navigate a new language and their school work. Seeing them happily serving others gave me a sweet confirmation that we are doing a good work.” The tutoring program will resume the first week in September, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. New volunteers are always welcome. 

By Jen Janssen
CFNA After School Tutoring Facilitator