CFNA After School Tutoring

Reaching out and Engaging Our Needy Neighbor: CFNA After School Tutoring

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (James 1: 22).

Christian witness to the world around us is what the Word of God exhorts us to do. For Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA), witnessing to their immigrant and refugee neighbors is the calling they have received in Christ. So, this academic year 2013-2014, the CFNA volunteers reached out with the love of Christ to their New American neighbors who, seen through socio-economic parameters, are the ‘least’ among us.

Operating in the city of St. Louis, and working with its model of ‘draw-bridge-home’, CFNA was able to reach out to New American kids through its After School Tutoring program on Mondays and Tuesdays from its location at the Peace Center, 4019 South Grand. Around 150 students from nations such as Eritrea, Ethiopia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan, were served through this ministry.

In this cross-cultural sharing of God’s love, CFNA was blessed to have the commitment and partnership of local LCMS pastors who regularly provided faith building devotions. It was equally blessed by the large number of committed believers who volunteered their expertise, energy and time as they worked with these New American kids. Most of the 50 volunteers who helped throughout the year as their schedules permitted, were LCMS members - including several students from Concordia Seminary. We were also blessed to have the assistance of students from Saint Louis University.

There were many moments when the entire exercise seemed difficult and challenging, however, every tutor stuck to the task, while displaying both concern and commitment. On the last day (May 27), 52 young students along with 15 tutors, walked the five blocks to Ted Drewes to celebrate the end of tutoring for the academic year - the culmination of much committed effort. Through this ministry of service, CFNA continues to reach out to New American families and welcome them into local LCMS churches where many have found a faith-strengthening church home.

Interested in the possibility of serving in this ministry? Please contact me at 314-724-4664 or

Rev. Stanish Stanley (AST Coordinator)