
On Palm Sunday, March 24, the pastors and members of Timothy Lutheran Church were blessed to receive 12 confirmands into membership. Of the 12, seven were New Americans from the African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Cameroon.

Most of these new arrivals have also been linked to CFNA during the past several years through its Adopt-A-Student scholarship assistance program. Interestingly, the families of most of these new members are themselves either members or frequent participants at Timothy.

Their acceptance into membership followed two years of weekly confirmation instruction provided by the pastors at Timothy. It also followed an examination held the Saturday evening prior to the service; a special event that was heavily attended by family, friends and others from the respective ethnic communities.

Rev. Ron Rall, Sr. Pastor at Timothy commented on how well prepared the students were for the examination, with eight or more raising their hands to answer every question asked.

We wish these new members God’s richest blessings in the days to come.

From information provided by Rev. Dr. Ron Rall