Congratulations to CFNA Scholarship Grads

Three young people (two from Siena Leone and one from Mexico) graduated from Lutheran South and North in late May and are headed to college in the fall. 

Hawa, who has been receiving support from CFNA since her seventh grade at Word of Life, is heading to the University of Memphis to study health care administration. She’s looking forward to her July Freshman Orientation, even while she is working this summer as a party host at Incredible Pizza. Among other things she appreciated about her years at Lutheran South was that the environment helped her stay true to her faith. That continues to be her goal for her future. 

Ezekiel holds the record for the longest support by CFNA—since first grade at Word of Life. He is headed to Phoenix to attend Grand Canyon University, a Christian college. He will be studying business and marketing. He chose Grand Canyon because it will support his continued growth in his faith. This summer he is working for a landscaping firm as well as running a small lawn-mowing business with his friend. The most important memory he will have of Lutheran South is the many connections he made with both students and faculty. 

Jose, who transferred to Lutheran North when Trinity Catholic High School closed in May 2021, is hoping to enter an electrician apprenticeship program in a few months. His ultimate goal is to help his father, who immigrated from Mexico, expand the services his roofing company can offer. He is working with his father now. He will remember the friendships he made with his soccer and baseball teams, with whom he played for two years. His graduation is in late May. 

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The three eighth-grade graduates are all heading to Lutheran High Schools. Billy who was born in Uganda, has had support since fourth grade at Grace Chapel, while Rene (from India) and Esther (from Congo) have been supported for just one year at Word of Life Lutheran School. 

We recently got an update from two students who were supported by CFNA during their high school years. Diana, a long-term CFNA scholarship student, has graduated from St Louis University and now works as a recruiter for a DC firm. Cyril, who was supported for several years at Lutheran South, has graduated from the University of Toledo, where he played Division I football for several years. 

We thank the many donors who have faithfully supported this program and individual students over the years. Because of your generosity, we were able to add a number of recent refugee and immigrant students during the past school year. Next year, we will again be adding new students to our scholarship program so contributions from individuals will continue to be important.

By Dr. Judith Meyer
CFNA Scholarship Assistance Facilitator