Defend the Defenseless

Again and again they struck Him on the head with a staff and spit on Him. Mark 15:19

It was sharing time during our Heart to Heart Bible study of the Ten Lepers. This is always a time of memorable moments. I will never forget one beautiful Syrian woman with the help of a translator telling about her first experience with bus riding in St Louis. Filled with apprehension, she sat down somewhat awkwardly in this strange environment, adjusted her hijab, and hoped for the best. The bus moved forward. They traveled a short distance and then, quite unexpectedly, a man walked toward her and spat in her face!

Why? Only God knows what made this man do this hideous thing or why no one helped her before she quickly got off the bus. With the help of a translator, we could grieve with this woman. We could see the startled look on her face when we gently shared that Christ was there when it happened to her. We could say that He understands because it happened to Him when He loved her so much he was willing to die for her. We can also read, think, pray, write, and talk with others about what we will do when we are faced with a similar situation. Christ’s words to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, cannot be ignored.

Carol Buckman St. Louis, MO