Festival of Nations

Buddhi Tamang, jerry birk, joyce birk, rev. eddie mekasha, mandira tamang

Buddhi Tamang, jerry birk, joyce birk, rev. eddie mekasha, mandira tamang

On August 24 and 25 the International Institute again sponsored the annual Festival of Nations event in Tower Grove Park. With more than 100 ethnic communities represented and over 125,000 participants, this almost certainly represented the largest diversity event, not only in St. Louis, but in the Midwest as well.

For the fifth consecutive year CFNA was among those invited to provide an exhibit, one of the few faith-based organizations asked to do so. During the two-day Festival more than 300 people stopped by to enquire about CFNA and an even larger number of brochures were distributed. Several signed up to be included in the distribution list for the monthly CFNA E-Newsletter.

We extend our thanks to Ann Crosslin (CEO), and the staff of the International Institute for featuring CFNA on their exhibit list. Our thanks also to Rev. Eddie Mekasha, Jerry and Joyce Birk, New Americans Buddhi and Mandera Tamang, and several other volunteers who helped staff the exhibit for the two days.

From information provided by Rev. Eddie Mekasha