Generations Baptized and Confirmed

baptisms at the peace center

baptisms at the peace center

During the final weeks of summer, a group of twelve Nepali youth and adults met daily at the Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA) Peace Center to learn more about what Lutheran Christians believe. It was wonderful to see parents and their teenage children learning side by side!

The class was led by Pastor Matt Clark from Ascension Lutheran Church, located in the St. Louis Hills Neighborhood. English to Nepali translation was provided by Gagan Gurung, an employee of CFNA and Nepali Evangelist at Ascension. Each weekday, the class spent two hours engaged in Scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism. Fortunately, the Bibles and catechisms were in both English and Nepali.

The Hindu background these students came out of presented challenges and opportunities. Since they were accustomed to a polytheistic religion that recognizes dozens of deities, faith in the one true Triune God shaped what was taught in class. An emphasis was placed on the Trinity as one God with three persons. Another common belief in Hindu culture is the reality of the caste system where some people are viewed as more important than others. It was wonderful to share that Jesus Christ loves all people regardless of social status, so much so that He laid down his life for all them.

confirmations at Ascension lutheran church

confirmations at Ascension lutheran church

Following instruction, on Sunday, August 26, three Nepali adults were baptized in the backyard of the Peace Center - by immersion in an inflatable pool. This was a wonderful picture of drowning the old sinful self and raising again as a new person in Christ! One week later, twelve youth and adults participated in the Rite of Confirmation, becoming communicate members of Ascension Lutheran Church. It was a joy to see parents confess the faith next to their children during the confirmation service.

Thanks be to God for this generation of New American baptisms and confirmations!

By Pastor Matt Clark Ascension Lutheran Church