Give STL Day!

The ninth annual Give STL Day was held on May 6 and raised $4.2 million for 1,022 local nonprofits, according to officials with the St. Louis Community Foundation, which powered the event.   “Once again, St. Louisans went online and generously supported our regional nonprofits,” said Amelia Bond, president and CEO of the St. Louis Community Foundation.

CFNA has participated in Give STL Day since 2017, raising over $55,000 in those 7 years.  This year, we exceeded our goal to raise $20,000!

Kerry Prozaric

The funds raised are used to meet the needs of refugees through various programs including scholarship assistance for enrollment in Lutheran schools and Concordia Seminary, ESL classes, health and wellness screenings, tutoring/homework help, classes in sewing skills, the friend-a-family program established to help our newest arrivals, Vacation Bible School, LWML - Heart to Heart Sisters, Bible fellowships and the provision of home furnishings.

 Over 400 New Americans benefitted from CFNA’s programs in the last year.  Their appreciation shows as they talk about the help they have received, “You people want to help us. … You show us love. … I am so thankful to you.”  CFNA is so thankful to God and our community of supporters!

By Kerry Pozaric
CFNA Business Manager