
(L to r) Lowell grev, jacob barber, rev. stanish stanley. tim ellis, jollah bolay, mel vasel, rev darrell zimerman

(L to r) Lowell grev, jacob barber, rev. stanish stanley. tim ellis, jollah bolay, mel vasel, rev darrell zimerman

Editor’s Note:

More than 100 iServe volunteers at the Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens work diligently for the benefit of others in their community and beyond. During the past seven years they have completed dozens of hands-on service projects and recently they came to the Peace Center. Here Kirk Mattes tells the story.

At a recent iServe board meeting a proposal to reach beyond LCWG’s immediate community was brought up for discussion. Under consideration was a plan to renovate the entire lighting system at CFNA’s Peace Center. We determined to enhance their lights there so that they can better bring the light of Jesus to many from around the world!

Twelve volunteers, nine of which were from LCWG, replaced dozens of dim and malfunctioning light fixtures with brighter more reliable lighting. Other working fixtures were greatly improved with more advanced bulbs. All new fixtures and bulbs were LED which will save energy, reduce maintenance and provide a brighter environment for sharing the light of Jesus to our international friends. Upon completion, Rev. Allan Buckman, CFNA Board Chair, exclaimed he had never seen the chapel look so good in his 12 years at the Peace Center.

Having completed Phase I, work will soon begin on Phase II, which will have iServe partnering with the Daughters of Charity Foundation to retrofit seven classroom and office doors with glass panels required for safety and security. Through a generous grant, Daughters of Charity has made available all the funding necessary for this next step. iServe will provide the skilled volunteers required for the installation of these enhanced doors compete with the much-needed viewing panels.

In addition to those pictured here, Tim Grev, Chuck Dreessen, Rick Holtz, Gabriel Martinez and Kirk Mattes also participated in this project. To learn more about iServe Ministries, please contact Tim Ellis at

By Kirk Mattes Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens