Kick Off
/After-School Tutoring is Back!
After a great summer vacation, one would expect kids to be a little lethargic about wanting to go back to school, and even more so about CFNA’s After-School Tutoring Program. But for New American Shresti Gurung (8 years) from Bhutan, the question was, “Pastor Stanish, when is Peace Center starting?” “Tuesday, September 3,” was my answer.
On that day, 30 New American youngsters and 10 volunteer tutors assembled to kick off the 2019–20 After-School Tutoring Program. For Shresti and her brother Sanjay, and many others like them, this was the after-school activity they had been waiting for: an opportunity to engage with American tutors and New American friends while finishing homework and learning more about Jesus.
With a registration of 45 students from seven birth nations, this ministry thrives because of the commitment of many faithful volunteers. Almost 30 from various Lutheran and non-Lutheran congregations serve on Tuesdays and Thursdays, engaging New American youngsters academically and relationally. As Tuesday tutoring supervisor Jennifer Janssen put it, “The goal is to provide kids living in a violent neighborhood with a safe space where they can learn and improve their life skills while being surrounded by the love of Jesus.”
This goal was also affirmed in a Tutoring Kick-Off training event on Sunday, Sept. 15. Attended by 17 volunteers, the training included the sharing of tutoring strategies, brainstorming concerns, and student issues as well as encouraging one another through the sharing of skills, resources, and prayer. As CFNA Board Chair Rev. Dr. Buckman observed, “This meeting clearly exhibited the commitment of our tutors as they continue to participate in a challenging but life-changing cause for New American kids.”
As CFNA’s tutoring program heads into its 13th academic year, we are grateful for the many hands and hearts that come together to support this outreach activity. For the many volunteers who give of their time and skill, for the various churches that support this ministry with funds and school supplies, for Restore St. Louis as it continues to provide hot evening meals, for program leaders Jennifer, Klea, and Sandy (who organize, manage, and keep records), CFNA appreciates and thanks all for their Christ-centered service.
We hope and pray these New American students will be drawn closer to Jesus as they grow in their successful acclimation to American society. More significant, we are truly thankful that many of these students, together with their families, have found their way into nearby churches, including four or five Lutheran congregations.
Prepared by Pastor Stanish Stanley Executive Director, CFNA