LCMS Young Adults & CFNA

Craft Time

Craft Time

Julianna Shults serves The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod as Program Manager for the Lutheran Young Adult Corps. Here she shares her thought and observations regarding a recent LCMS Young Adults servant event at the Peace Center.

Just a few weekends ago, a group of eight young adults from the LCMS Young Adult Servant Event were blessed to serve at the Peace Center. This annual event offers young adults 18-30 a chance to serve, spend time together in Bible study, and learn about how ministries in St. Louis are sharing the Gospel throughout the year. Our major task was to work with Dave Shepley, a volunteer from Concordia Kirkwood, to begin the installation of a sump pump in the basement. It was hard, mucky work but we were able to break the cement, dig the hole and fill it with the pieces that will allow the sump pump to be put in soon. At the same time, other young adults, along with six New American students from the After School Program, worked on cleaning on the first and second floors. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to serve alongside some of the hardworking young people who connect with the Peace Center on a regular basis.

Heavily Enaged

Heavily Enaged

In the afternoon, our group hosted a two hour Children’s program for students now on summer break. Our Bible story, games, crafts, snacks and music focused on how Jesus welcomes children. We wanted to reinforce how much Jesus loves us and wants to be with us, no matter how young or old. We ended our afternoon with a silly game and water balloons! Exhausted at the end of a long day, we celebrated with Dr. Stanish Stanley by cooking a delicious Indian meal.

One young adult commented that it was nice to connect to ministries and volunteers who work with CFNA day in and day out. These short term events last only a few days and often do projects that seem insignificant in the grand scheme of ministry. But in just a day, many important tasks can be accomplished and it can open our eyes to the need in our own neighborhood. We are grateful to all the hard work of Dr. Stanley, Pastor Allan and Carol Buckman and so many others who hosted us.

We pray for them our Lord’s blessings as they continue to share the Gospel with so many.

By Julianna Shults Program Manager – Lutheran Young Adult Corps LCMS Youth Ministry