New Americans Learn America's Game

It was cold and wet, with misty rain falling much of the afternoon, but nearly 30 New American teens and the St. Louis Patriots Freshman Baseball Team didn’t appear to notice as they gathered at Marquette Park on Wednesday, March 23rd, for a Spring Break Adventure. These New American friends had never held a baseball bat or worn a glove, and the homeschooled Patriots were determined to introduce them to America’s game. After introducing basic skills and moving their new friends through stations for hitting, catching, and fielding, they moved to the field for a rousing game of Blitzball (similar to wiffle ball).   

“Go! Run! Run!” screamed 11-year-old Olive, as her friend Giselle hit the ball high (and foul) between first base and the dugout. Giselle sped toward first, rounded it, and was past second before the ball was recovered. The mostly New American team shouted praises and gave high fives as they continued to “score” with every pitch. It’s possible that some of the finer points of the game weren’t mastered, but the sun was shining on the faces of the refugees and their new friends.

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After snacks, the game changed to soccer, on Marquette’s beautiful outdoor sport court. Some chose to ride bikes, make chalk drawings, or weave embroidery floss bracelets with some of the Patriots’ sisters, while most chose to demonstrate that while baseball might not be their strength, they could certainly hold their own with a soccer ball. The temperature continued to drop throughout the day, but hearts were warm as both groups traveled home after a day of fun, learning new things, and making new friends! 

By Jen Janssen
CFNA Associate