New Dimensions Leadership Formation

Organized during the early part of this year, a CFNA-sponsored Leadership Formation class met for the first time Friday, April 5. Indeed, this turned out to be the first of what are now weekly meetings at the Peace Center. Classes are taught by Reverends Ron Rall and Allan Buckman.

Eighteen New Americans, men and women between the ages of 25 and 50 from seven birth nations, are presently registered for the class. Attendance has been averaging approximately 10 students per week.

The purpose of the class is to provide an in-depth understanding of key Scripture passages, with the intent of delivering skills required to lead a Home Bible Study and/or an ethnic community fellowship. To accomplish this, the class studies, from a Law and Gospel perspective, the Scripture readings (pericopes) scheduled for the following Sunday.

It is foreseen that leadership skills delivered via these classes may perhaps transfer to other areas of life as well. This is deemed to be entirely possible insofar as those in attendance are perceived to be the emerging leaders of their various communities.

The largest number attend nearby LCMS congregations. Others claim Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterian, Evangelical, and Pentecostal congregations or fellowships as their church home. With but one exception, all students were born in Asia and Africa, most of them having arrived in St. Louis within the past two to four years.

We pray our Lord will add His blessings to the efforts of these emerging leaders.