New Life Bible Fellowship

new life leaders (l to r): gagan, anju, anna, john

new life leaders (l to r): gagan, anju, anna, john

Evangelist Gagan Gurung serves as the leader of New Life Bible Fellowship. Begun four years ago with 25 members, New Life now numbers approximately 75, most of whom were formerly Hindus or Buddhists.

This growing Lutheran community worships Sunday mornings at the CFNA Peace Center. Services are in the Nepali language and normally last two hours, though longer services are not uncommon. Approximately 50 of those in attendance have been baptized and/or confirmed at Ascension Lutheran Church, where they all go for worship on the first Sunday of the month.

Evangelist Gagan, whom the New Life members regard as their pastor, recently stated that, “CFNA is the most important organization for refugees in St. Louis.” To find out why, we recently spent a Sunday morning in worship with New Life members, then interviewed their leaders including (in addition to Gagan): John Gurung (youth), Anna Rai (music) and Anju Gurung (Sunday School). Our discussion focused primarily on the following:

Why does CFNA matter to you?

  • They provide a safe place for us to gather, especially for worship. (Gagan)

  • CFNA has a kind heart. It is a place we can go for help with problems. (Anju)

  • We see CFNA people helping us with things we need. (John)

  • They enable us to gain skills. (Anna)

new life members

new life members

Why does Ascension Lutheran Church matter to you? (Note: New Life functions as a satellite of Ascension)

  • It is a place we can go to feel accepted, and they make us feel like they want us to be there. (Anju & Anna)

  • They help us find employment. (All)

  • They provide new opportunities, like the enrollment of our children in Word of Life Lutheran School. (Gagan)

  • It is a place where we can meet a lot of American people. (John)

  • They helped us purchase a van, which was a huge answer to prayer. (All)

What is the purpose of New Life Bible Fellowship?

  • Gather often for worship and prayer. (Note: In addition to Sunday worship, members also gather once or twice a week for singing and prayer.)

  • To reach out to those who do not believe in Jesus, especially those seeking a new life.

 Members of New Life regard II Corinthians 5:17 as their favorite verse. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” Without exception, members feel they have been blessed with a new life. We wish them our Lord’s richest blessings as they continue their journey of worship, praise, prayer and mission outreach.

By Rev. Allan Buckman with Gagan Gurung and New Life Leaders