Reaching Out Through Sports
/Tim Schrader has been involved with CFNA in ministry among New Americans for the past 10 years, much of it in sports. Here he shares some of his recent observations and activities. Read below as Tim describes this ministry:
I have been involved with soccer and basketball since I started with CFNA 10 years ago, and it has been great fun. Playing soccer with the refugee kids on Sunday afternoons as part of the New Dimensions Soccer League has been especially exciting. The kids really get up for the games, and on game day I always get a barrage of phone calls asking when I am coming.
Many of the players are Muslims and I am often able to develop good relationships not only with them, but also with their parents – with whom I sometimes have the opportunity to share the Gospel. Usually I get one shot at it, and thereafter they are not interested in hearing much more about it. Nevertheless, they still want my friendship, and I am glad to provide it.
With basketball it is different. We are not part of a league so I just arrange to access the gyms at Timothy or Ascension Lutheran Churches for pick-up games once or twice a month. At the end we do a short devotion and then someone always volunteers to say a prayer, and they can say some nice ones.
These days the kids are bombarded with unchristian messages from many sources, and while driving to and from our games I try to give them a biblical perspective on important matters like staying away from drugs, alcohol and waiting for marriage. They don’t always listen, but I keep trying and also keep on praying for each of them.
I remain most grateful for these opportunities.