Shine Events

This year, though it’s numerous congregations, the Missouri District again encouraged the formation of SHINE events for the purpose of engaging neighbors through acts of service. CFNA was fortunate to participate in two of these.

The first, which occurred on April 23rd, was staffed by 21 volunteers. Many of them were New Americans from Sudan, Congo, Nepal, and Afghanistan. They worked with American volunteers to help with cleaning and maintenance chores in and outside the Peace Center. This included picking up trash and cutting grass in the neighborhood. 

As he helped with these chores, Mr. Abdur Rahman from Sudan had this to say, “This is a good thing for me to do. I too, have been helped by your English and driving classes.”

Just five days later the sixth grade class from St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Des Peres, spent several hours doing more maintenance work including the re-mulching of the entire play area. They also helped sort and organize numerous in-kind donations received from several congregations.

Click to enlarge images.

Indeed, all the work by these good natured volunteers did caught the attention of people in the neighborhood. Mr. Balbu from India offered the following: “You are so busy helping to keep our neighborhood clean. This is very encouraging. Thank you for what you are doing for us.”

The benefits of these events were numerous, not the least of which was the opportunity to reach beyond the barriers of language and culture to make friends and acquaintances. Our sincere thanks to the Missouri District, as well as to all who helped make these events possible.

By Pastor Stanish Stanley & Gary Schaefer