Stepping Up


“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” (unknown source)

Educational attainment is especially difficult for New Americans, who are often limited by language, work schedules, and family commitments. Recognizing this not only as a problem, but also as a service opportunity, the Ethiopian and Eritrean Bible Fellowship recently launched a ministry called the Skill Enhancement Program (SEP). Designed for New Americans, Pastor Teddy Workeneh envisioned and developed the program. The purpose of this new program is to reach out to those who arrived in this country with certificates in key skill areas, only to learn that these certificates are not recognized. Examples would be the fields of nursing and home health care.

The first course to be offered is Home Health Aid (HHA), for which 17 people have enrolled. The course, which consists of 72 classes, is provided online, and students are tutored by an experienced and well qualified Registered Nurse. The goal is to complete all the classes, take the final exam successfully, receive the certificate, and then seek employment in this field. This is very compelling to skilled New Americans limited to entry-level employment due to the lack of proper certification.

A favorable feature is flexibility. Students complete the required assignments on their own time, allowing them to work around other responsibilities. The required weekly meetings provide an opportunity for assistance as needed. Devotions are offered with each class, often providing a link with the recently established but growing Ethiopian and Eritrean Bible Fellowship.

the class

the class

This program has been made possible by a grant from the Grace Lutheran Foundation of Destin, Florida, as well as by significant leadership provided by CFNA colleagues. This “stepping-stone” opportunity means a great deal for New Americans seeking advancement. As Jean Konde (Congo) put it, “This program is something I have been seeking for a long time. I expect to complete the course and receive my certificate. Once certified, my career will change in a meaningful way.” Clearly, this course meets a real need and ignites hope.

We offer our sincere thanks to the members of Grace Lutheran Church and the Grace Lutheran Foundation. Without their prayers and financial support, this ministry would not be possible.

By Rev. Teddy Workeneh with Rev. Allan Buckman