Thank You Abiding Savior!

Painting Up High

Painting Up High

Once again on October 22, Abiding Savior Lutheran members from South County used a part of their SendMe day to include the CFNA Peace Center as an important venue for a “servant event.” Sixteen eager SendMe servants from Abiding Savior arrived about 9 a.m. to complete the tasks on “the list.” The unique jobs on the list were painting a grid for the game, “Four Square” and applying paint rather high on the Peace Center brick wall. The group included 5 children and 2 teenagers who served quite happily all day. The adults are proud they were a great help and encouraging presence. All were thankful for the steady guidance given by CFNA leaders who spent the day with SendMe volunteers.

At midday this group was joined by invited refugee families, including many of the children who regularly come to the Peace Center for After-School Tutoring. Gathering in the chapel, several refugees told their stories and answered questions about the challenges they have faced in beginning life in the USA. Especially delightful were the confident comments of the children, now growing up in the United States of America, working hard to achieve success in their schooling, and facing a promising future.

checking the work list

checking the work list

Abiding Savior and CFNA invited children and families served by CFNA for Lunch Together, to be catered at the Peace Center as people got acquainted. This was a new feature of SendMe and added a missional dimension to the usual cleaning, painting, and organizing tasks of the day.

After Lunch Together, most of the children stayed to play. It seemed that the Abiding Savior team was playing too, as there was plenty of laughter all the day—but they were actually working, and working well together. Just the joy of serving!

By Ruth Mattson Abiding Savior Lutheran Church