Thank You Christ Memorial!

Pastor momoh, jill harmon and lauren anderson paint the basement ceiling.

Pastor momoh, jill harmon and lauren anderson paint the basement ceiling.

ann anderson and edie liebel wash floor mats.

ann anderson and edie liebel wash floor mats.

On Saturday, October 7, a group of 10 people from Christ Memorial Lutheran Church and its Reliant community spent the day at CFNA. This group was part of a bigger event for Christ Memorial, the 4th annual Loved + Sent Servant Event where 415 individuals served at 35 sites across St. Louis. For the 4th year in a row, Christ Memorial chose to send a group to CFNA.

The major accomplishments of the day included tuck-pointing the south exterior wall, painting the ceiling in the basement dance room, removing paint and repainting a corner of the chapel, washing dance mats, and painting the north door framing. Thrivent Action Team dollars funded the supplies for the day, while Matt Barnes of Reliant provided expertise to train group members.

"We are a community loved deeply by God, and sent into the world to show that love to other people. Today we showed His love in tangible ways for the physical building. We know CFNA is consistent with their work to minister to the community, and we hope our improvements will uplift the people who use the building!"

By Dawn Martin Christ Memorial Lutheran Church