Thank You Abiding Savior!

Steve and Blake wofford install handrails

Steve and Blake wofford install handrails

One of the enthusiastic SendMe teams from Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in South County (4355 Butler Hill Rd., STL 63128) served at the Peace Center on Saturday, October 19. The help they gave CFNA was amazing, and the cheerful cooperation of the seventeen men, women, teenagers, and children on the team was a joy to see. Look what was accomplished by the SendMe team:

  • The Peace Center received an attack of “deep cleaning” on all 3 floors, creating a freshness throughout the building by the end of the day.

  • Construction work in the lower level included installing attractive paneling in the art room—very nice! Two handrails were added for safety on basement stairs. Adjustments to the restroom will prevent possible leakage and improve the lighting. A pine doorframe in the basement was sanded.

  • On the main floor, ceiling tiles were replaced.

  • Outdoors, concrete was poured to extend of the concrete ramp to the parking pad. Trees were trimmed. Weeds were pulled. Exterior windowsills where paint was peeling were scraped and painted. Missing screws were replaced in the benches on the deck.

During the team's lunch break, they participated in a devotional Bible study with the Christian Friends of New Americans leaders present. Another part of the SendMe mission was to distribute “Random Acts of Kindness” items, Life Books, and money to bless someone at the work site or in the surrounding community.

A teenage team member used his smartphone to send pictures taken of the servant event at the Peace Center to another service team creating a power point “collage” for the 29 teams at work throughout the St. Louis area. To conclude the day, CFNA leaders, Rev. Stanish Stanley, Rev. John Loum, & Mr. Rich Leigh, were among those who joined the teams at Abiding Savior for a meal and praise service.

The full day’s agenda for Abiding Savior’s SendMe included breakfast, packing lunches, announcements, and worship at the church from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m.; traveling and working at sites, 8:30-4:00; barbecue supper at church with guests from the work sites, 4:30; celebration reports and praise service, 5:30 to 7:00.

Again, our thanks to the Servant Team from Abiding Savior for their great work at the Peace Center, and for their partnership in reaching out to New Americans!

By Ruth Mattson