Thanks OGT!

With 18 branches, the Orphan Grain Train network extends across the nation, and their reach is global. During approximately 20 years of ministry they have provided assistance to children in Uganda, students in Trinidad, orphans in Mongolia – and many more! The Scripture passage undergirding the ministry is from John 14:18 “I will not leave you as orphans.”

Though initial efforts began by sending shipments of grain and goods to the Former Soviet Union, OGT also operates a center in St. Louis located on the premises of the former Concordia Seminary campus on Jefferson Avenue.

From this facility they provide many items local churches, food pantries or mission societies need in their efforts to assist the underserved, including growing numbers of immigrants and refugees (primarily refugees) now residing in urban St. Louis.

During the past five years OGT has partnered with CFNA for outreach to these New Americans. Their steady supply of food items, warm winter clothing, medical supplies, small appliances and more have been gratefully received by numerous recipients. To be sure, this plays a vital role in CFNA’s “quick link” initiatives; i.e., the commitment to link with New American families as soon as possible upon their arrival in urban St. Louis.

OGT is blessed with approximately 30 volunteers who serve on a regular basis, thereby enabling this mission agency to move tons of needed supplies through their facility on a monthly basis.

Questions or donations?  Contact chairman Robert Eggers at 314-856-0537.


From information provided by Mel and Carolyn Stortz, members of Faith Lutheran Church, Oakville.