Timothy & Immanuel Servant Event

Thank You Timothy & Immanuel!

Helping sort and catalog documents

Helping sort and catalog documents

On Sunday April 19th, confirmation age youth from Timothy Lutheran Church in St. Louis and Immanuel Lutheran Church in Festus joined forces to provide some service for Christian Friends of New Americans. It is a great time of year to do a little spring cleaning, and that is exactly what these youth did.

Youth from both churches blended together to get to know each other, and fulfill the tasks at hand. They swept and mopped floors, cleaned banisters and bathrooms, organized files, and did an amazing job sprucing up the art room. In just two hours the youth made a remarkable difference. Moreover, three of the students were themselves New Americans who had been beneficiaries of programs offered at the Peace Center. They had come to add their contribution and “payback”.

It was also a great opportunity to learn about the Lord’s mission at Christian Friends of New Americans. As the groups arrived, they were taught about the role of CFNA in the community, and they were able to greet some of the people who were assembled for an afternoon worship service. The experience was certainly one that allowed the youth to see the Lord at work through them, and in the life of immigrant families. Thank you, Lord, for what you do at CFNA. Thank you, youth, for serving in the Lord’s name.

By: Rev. Kyle Castens