Trivia Night

CFNA held its fifth annual Trivia Night on Saturday, November 10th, at Webster Gardens Lutheran Church. Pastor Joel Christensen welcomed the attendees who enjoyed a light supper of chili and a variety of ethnic foods. Following the meal, trivia competition and bingo games began. Vern Koelinger prepared this year’s trivia questions. Jerry and Joyce Birk served as bingo callers. Throughout the evening, a silent auction offering baskets, gift certificates, and a wonderful assortment of other items was held.

Many helping hands contributed to the success of the evening. Volunteers sought and picked up donations, prepared food, organized auction items, set up tables and chairs, and served in countless other ways during the Trivia Night itself. Approximately 175 people participated, including a significant number of New Americans. The amount raised for the ministry is still being counted, pending the arrival of some pledged matching funds.

CFNA is especially grateful to the congregation of Webster Gardens Lutheran Church for the use of their facilities, and for their helpful support. Appreciation is also expressed to Thrivent and to the Christ for Youth Foundation for their gifts of matching funds. Thanks to all who gave, all who came, and all who served!
