Turkey Blessing
/Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood celebrated its 10th Annual Turkey Blessing event in three parts consisting of fellowship (Happy Hour on November 21st), packing (of cartons) on the 23rd and the distribution of turkey dinners on Sunday, the 24th.
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Packing included a worship service with a message by Rev. Matt Peeles based on Acts 8:36ff. When Philip was directed into the desert, he may have wondered how his ministry could have any impact in such an insignificant location.
By the power of the Holy Spirt however, he was led to be in contact with the Ethiopian Eunuch resulting in a very impactful encounter with a powerful man. A turkey diner may not seem like much to many of us, but though the power of the Holy Spirit it can create great impact.
Though Sunday was distribution day, there was also significant distribution on Saturday. Immediately following the packing of the cartons several group distributions were made to various ministries.
CFNA, for example, was blessed with 50 dinners which were quickly distributed to refugees from Nepal, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Congo. Because each dinner is sufficient to feed a family of five, this single event enabled CFNA to reach out to a minimum of 250 refugees in the St. Louis area.
To be sure, these dinners are much appreciated. As Lawence Samal from Nepal put it, “On behalf of my large family of eight, I want to say thank you for giving us our Thanksgiving meal. The holidays are such a hard time for us. Thank you for blessing our family this season. We are so grateful for you.”
Our sincere thanks to the Men’s Group of Concordia, Kirkwood and its leaders for the blessings showered upon so many with their Turkey Blessing ministry!
By: Rev. Al Buckman