A Global Congregation: Epiphany Lutheran Church
/Christian Mitre
God’s own child, I gladly say it: I am baptized into Christ! (Lutheran Service Book 594)
What an exciting time of ministry at Epiphany Lutheran Church. In the past few months, six individuals have been baptized into Christ! Praise God! Of those six, three children have ties to the country of Albania.
It all began when the George and Hilda Lluka family came in 1995. Though of Christian heritage, they arrived without a specific church home. This had everything to do with Albania’s previous history as part of the Former Soviet Union during which time all religions were forbidden.
Upon arrival they found a apartment near the intersection of Grand and Holly Hills Blvds. While walking through the neighborhood in search of a suitable congregation, they happened to meet Rich Berg, who with his wife Diane, were long time members of Epiphany. Rich invited them to come to worship the following Sunday and George and Hilda came, along with their two children.
They never stopped coming and remain members until today. Other recently arrived families from Albania came as well, several through the good efforts of Algerta Kuzhilla. Though some eventually moved from St. Louis to other locations, there are presently five Albanian families that attend on a regular basis.
Stephanie Mitre
Among them are the Kuzhilla and Mitre families, whose children were recently baptized; Nathan Kuzhilla on July 25th and Christian and Stephanie Mitre on August 1st. Their Albanian culture was highlighted in each of their Baptismal services. A golden cross necklace, to be worn their whole life, is customarily given at the time of the Baptism by either a Godparent or parent.
The clearest parallel we can use to understand Baptism is an adoption. In Baptism, we are adopted, by God, into His family. Our Father loves His family of believers; providing for our needs, protecting us, and loving unconditionally. This large family of believers trusts in the direction of their Heavenly Father. What a joy it is for others to pass through these waters to be forgiven and adopted into God’s family!
Because these families are frequently in touch with relatives in Albania, it may be said that Epiphany’s family of adopted Jesus-followers spans the globe yet meets in South City St. Louis.
One wonders how many other Lutheran congregations in the South City area are emerging as global congregations. Probably several. Praise God for bringing us all together!
By Pastor Tim Staffeld, Epiphany
Rich & Diane Berg
Rev. Dr. Al Buckman
Nathan Kuzhilla