A Growing Gospel Partnership

Pastor clark signing the ministry agreement while Dr. A Buckman, Gagan gurung and doug pfitzinger look on.

Pastor clark signing the ministry agreement while Dr. A Buckman, Gagan gurung and doug pfitzinger look on.

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3-5).

Partnership. That’s how the apostle Paul describes his relationship, or fellowship, with the Christians in the city of Philippi. Paul had shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with the Philippians, and now they join with him in extending the Gospel to others. Because of this partnership between Paul and the Philippians, more people are served, more lives are changed, more disciples of Christ are made.

If I was asked to describe Ascension Lutheran Church’s relationship with Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA) in just one word, that word would be “partnership.” The Lord has blessed both CFNA and Ascension with a vibrant ministry to, and with, refugees from Nepal. This ministry would not exist, however, if it were not for CFNA making initial contact with immigrants and connecting them to our congregation. At the same time, this work would be incomplete if were not for a local Lutheran congregation providing Word and Sacrament ministry to Nepali immigrants.

With the Lord’s blessing, this partnership continues to grow strong and prove vital to immigrant ministry. A recently updated “Ministry Agreement” between Ascension and CFNA includes the shared financial support of Gagan Gurung from Nepal as he serves as our Nepali Ministry Facilitator. Another aspect of this partnership is our congregation’s sponsorship of “New Life Lutheran Nepali Fellowship,” which meets at the CFNA Peace Center the second, third, and fourth Sundays of the month. On the first Sunday, Nepali individuals come to Ascension for worship and the Lord’s Supper. CFNA and Ascension also work together to offer a bilingual confirmation class, which currently meets on Saturday afternoons at the Peace Center.

What does the future hold for the Lutheran Nepali immigrant community? Only the Lord knows. But by God’s grace, through the partnership of Ascension and CFNA, more people will be served, more lives will be changed, more disciples of Christ will be made!

By Rev. Matt Clark