Jesus loves us

Jesus loves us

Sarah helps art students with their cameras

Sarah helps art students with their cameras

“Well that’s a funny name…he says his name is I AM?”

“Yes, He is existence. He simply is. He is beyond understanding.” Pastor Bob replies and continues the story of Moses and the burning bush as students fill their pages with dancing flames of paint.

“Whoa, God is cool.” An accented voice pipes up.

“Someone else said ‘I AM’ hundreds of years later, and using metaphors, told us the kind of God that He is.”

“Jesus?” little New American voices call out.

Yes, Jesus. Youth from ages 5-14 have been learning about Jesus’ “I AM” statements from John over the past three months. We have explored drawing sheep and the Good Shepherd, studying images anywhere from provincial sheep pastures to Byzantine mosaics of Jesus with the lost sheep around his neck. Next we talked about Jesus as the Vine, and we the branches bearing good fruit. A warm spring day led us outside with paper and charcoal to draw creation from life. I am the Resurrection and the Life inspired us to create a collaborative painting depicting the scenes of Holy Week. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life led us down rural and wooded pathways. I am the Door, and I am the Light of the World are yet to come in our Saturday workshops hosted at the CFNA Peace Center in May. You can see our artwork filling the walls of the basement art room! Many thanks to our volunteers!

By Sarah Bernhardt — Holy Cross Lutheran Church