Where Christian Friends and Technology Meet

In my adult life there have been two constants. The first has been education, and I have been involved in educating youth since before I graduated from college. I have been a substitute teacher at a High School, I taught confirmation students during my vicarage (and enjoyed it!), and I continue to regularly teach an adult Bible study. Through these experiences I learned how important it is to show care and concern for all as they interact with the world.

The second constant has been technology, and over the course of time I have become proficient in many things relating to computers and technology. Mac or PC, iPhone or Android, Wireless or Wired Internet, these things don’t faze me. I handle all of them well because I’ve used computers and technology since my youth.

Because of this it seemed fitting that I would end up volunteering at the CFNA Peace Center in the After School Program computer lab. However, all my “expertise” couldn’t prepare me for the reality I faced. First, children are oftentimes a lot quicker (and sometimes more impatient) than computers. Second, technology doesn’t always work the way you want it to. Some days it was a struggle to harness a child’s energy toward the aim of helping them learn. Yet there was always a feeling of satisfaction when I could see them beginning to learn patience, cooperation, and sharing because of the technology provided available at the Peace Center.

However, among my experiences, one thing stands in my mind as the most important thing I recognized. Technology is a great tool but it can never supersede the value of human interaction. Can a child learn math and reading from a Website on a computer? Sure. But technology could never teach these children that there is someone who is willing to work with them and be there for them amidst the challenges, struggles, and joys that they experience as a friend who is there for them week-in and week-out.

Raymond Holman is a recent graduate of Concordia Seminary. He has been called to serve as Pastor at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Emporia, KS and will be ordained in early July.