A Special Partnership

Since the beginning of the CFNA Adopt a Student Scholarship Program, partnerships have been critical. The biggest partner is the Lutheran Foundation, which matches every dollar that is contributed toward scholarships that allow New American children to attend Lutheran elementary and secondary schools.

A number of individuals and families have also been important supporters of the scholarship program, often supporting the same students for multiple years.

ted and abby

ted and abby

For example, Ted and Abby have supported Secondo (from Eritrea) since 2011, when he was a student at Word of Life. He is now a junior at Lutheran North.



selah, diane, tim, jonah

selah, diane, tim, jonah

Diane and Tim have supported scholarships for Jonah and Selah at Word of Life, ever since their father came to study at Concordia Seminary. They are from Ethiopia.

Dave, judith, joseph

Dave, judith, joseph

Longtime supporters of the scholarship program, Dave and Judith have supported scholarships for high school students for years. For the past two years, they have supported a scholarship at Lutheran South for Joseph, who is from Sierra Leone.

A more recent donor, Harry has been supporting several elementary students for the past two years. Recently Kibur and Ezekiel visited Harry at his home, where they talked about their countries, Word of Life, and Harry’s puzzle games. Other students he supports include Ellen at Grace Chapel and Nabayet and Elga at Word of Life.



kibur, ezekiel

kibur, ezekiel



nabayet, elga

nabayet, elga

By Judith Meyer Coordinator, Scholarship Assistance Ministry Member: Timothy Lutheran Church