Resurrection Party

decorating cookies

decorating cookies

completely engaged

completely engaged

watercolor craft table

watercolor craft table

This spring, the Lutheran High School South National Honor Society (LHSS NHS) put together an Easter Resurrection party for the children of Christian Friends of New Americans. The party was full of fun, laughter, games, crafts, songs, and, of course, the Easter story. The NHS volunteers had a blast sharing the Easter story in a fun way, and the kids had a great time as well! In the words of Jen Wittmayer, a senior at Lutheran South, “It was really great to share the joy of Easter with the kids and see them having such a good time with all the activities we planned for them.”

Upon arrival at Epiphany Lutheran Church, the children were greeted by NHS members ready to play Easter Bingo–complete with prizes—after which snacks were served. The children were then split into five activity groups. Children could make and color an Easter puzzle, create a watercolor cross-project, frost and sprinkle sugar cookies, and decorate a popsicle cross station with jewels and colored cotton balls. A fifth station featured an “egg on a spoon” relay race.

Not only was the party great fun, but it also afforded an opportunity to share the Easter story with 40 to 50 New American children. And we were grateful CFNA could be part of this. Lauren Chong, an NHS executive board member, shared this parting comment: “Through CFNA, we can make a difference in our own community. The Resurrection Party was a way to teach the children about Jesus’ love and what He did through fun games, songs, and devotion. I always love working with these kids and seeing God work in both our lives and theirs.”

The children left with the Easter story in their hearts and a bag full of treats and crafts in their hands.

By Avery Starnes Member: NHS Executive Committee Member: Concordia, Kirkwood