Bhutanese Baptisms at Messiah

By Rev. Will Miller, Messiah Lutheran Church

Left to Right: Rev. Will Miller, Rev. Sam Thompson, •Aiti, Ash, Pukar, Tara Rai, plus a friend

Left to Right: Rev. Will Miller, Rev. Sam Thompson, •Aiti, Ash, Pukar, Tara Rai, plus a friend

Ash and Aiti Rai were baptized at Messiah Lutheran Church in December of 2012. They are related to one of the Gurung families that now call Saint Louis home. They were first exposed to the gospel through their daughter, Mina, as she related to her mother and father all that she was learning in a home Bible study conducted by Revs. Sam Thompson and Will Miller from Messiah. When the Rai’s initially arrived in the United States one of the first things they wanted to do was to attend the home Bible study for themselves to hear more about the things that their daughter had been telling them about this Jesus.

The couple continued to attend Bible study regularly but remained committed to their former Hindu religion until Aiti confided in the Messiah pastors that she was plagued by visions of unclean spirits that tormented her at night. Sam and Will counseled her to call on the name of Jesus the next time she felt threatened. The very next week she returned to Bible study and declared to the other Bhutanese that when she had been threatened by unclean spirits she had called out the name of Jesus believing that he was able to save her. She reported that the spirits had left her alone and had not returned. She then asked to be taught more about baptism.

After a few weeks of intense study with this elderly couple on the subject of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the two were ready for baptism. As Pastor Will conducted their final examination before baptism Ash could hardly contain himself as he confessed his new faith in Christ: “I’m ready to be baptized. I don’t want anything to do with those old gods (of Hinduism) anymore and I don’t want anything to do with the devil!” For her part, Aiti had her focus firmly fixed to the Sacrament of the Altar, asking: “To make sure… after I am baptized I get the blood of Jesus in communion, right?”

Messiah is very glad to have two new members of the body of Christ added to their number through the waters of baptism. After the service, both long time members and new Americans gathered together in the fellowship hall for a time of fellowship complete with a baptismal cake for everyone to share together in celebration of what Jesus has done for Ash and Aiti.