Volunteer of the Month

Hank Saeger

Hank leading a Home Bible Study

Hank leading a Home Bible Study

Hank devotes a huge amount of his time in volunteer service with CFNA, and has been doing so for the past five years! He is well known, not only within the CFNA volunteer community but even more importantly, among the more than 600 New Americans now connected to the CFNA network through its various ministries. Held in high regard by these new arrivals to the St. Louis community, his commitment to them and services among them are much appreciated.

A member of Concordia, Kirkwood since 1949, with breaks for service in other emerging LCMS congregations at the time (example: Our Savior, Fenton), Hank first learned of opportunities for mission involvement among New Americans from Bob Schliesser during Concordia’s Tuesday morning Men’s Bible Class. Having made a decision to give it a try, he never looked back.

Hank’s weekly mission involvement includes assisting with the After School tutoring program at the Peace Center, the delivery of home furnishings (once or twice a week, sometimes more) to New American families, picking up items (mostly food) from Orphan Grain Train for distribution to 12 to 15 families as well as the Peace Center and assisting with three Home Bible Studies. Yes, all of this every week.

His trust level among New Americans was demonstrated early on when an entire extended, 12 member Nepali family was baptized at the Peace Center three years ago.  Hank played a significant role in their faith journey to this decision. Previously, they had been adherents of the Hindu tradition.

An excellent keyboarder, Hank provides music for the hymns sung during chapel worship at the Peace Center. He knows many of them by heart, and seldom needs a sheet of music.

Hank, we celebrate your commitment, and thank you for your role model involvement in mission outreach among New Americans!

Interested in exploring the possibility of serving as a CFNA volunteer for ministry among New Americans? Look at our Volunteer page for options or better still, visit with Hank.