CFNA’s Health and Wellness Screening

By Robert Lampros

On Saturday, January 12th, CFNA’s Peace Center for New Americans provided free health screenings for thirty-seven people. Our volunteer RN’s, audiolologist, nurse practitioner, and MD administered vision, hearing, blood pressure, height and weight tests, as well as ear, nose, and throat exams to many who have limited access to this medical attention. Some significant maladies were detected, and every effort is being made to help these individuals receive the appropriate treatment. Thank you to everyone who made this project possible: the drivers, the registration assistants, the coordinators, the translators, the pastors, the doctors, the nurses, the patients, and all who give their time and energy to the good work of Christian Friends of New Americans.

The Peace Center is a wonderful place. Shining faces adorn the walls, beaming brilliantly from collages and group photos. Radiant illustrations of Gospel scenes line the upstairs hallway, warming the hearts of those passing by. On Monday and Tuesday nights the whole building sings with children’s laughter, joyful dialogue, and beautifully belted songs of worship.  Jesus tells us that “The Kingdom of Heaven is among you.”  Nowhere is this more apparent than here, where people are taught, loved, cared for, and redeemed. Thank you all for your contributions, and thank you, Jesus Christ, for saving our souls, and for letting us participate in your Heavenly Kingdom.