Bhutanese Elders at Messiah

rev. Michael okine, tara basnet, govinda ghalley, rev. will miller

rev. Michael okine, tara basnet, govinda ghalley, rev. will miller

Messiah Lutheran Church recently added two Bhutanese men to their board of elders. This was done to ensure that the needs of the Bhutanese refugee community in St. Louis (now more than 1,000, located mostly in south City) are constantly before the pastoral staff and remain a priority for the elders. The two men are Tara Basnet and Govinda Ghalley.

Tara and his family became baptized members of Messiah on August 21, 2011. Govinda became a baptized member shortly thereafter. Formerly of the Hindu faith, both arrived in the USA three years ago and settled in St. Louis. Their initial contact with Messiah was through a Home Bible Study in Tara’s home initiated by CFNA in partnership with Messiah Lutheran Church.Both were approached by the pastoral staff to serve as elders because of their maturing Christian faith. Their consistent and reliable support for both Pastor Will Miller and Rev. Sam Thompson as they continue work among the Bhutanese as part of Messiah’s larger outreach to South City has been greatly appreciated.

We wish the very best for Tara and Govinda as they undertake their new responsibilities, and may our Lord bless Messiah Lutheran as it continues its outreach efforts among New Americans.

From information by Rev. Will Miller