Vacation Bible School

With over 40 registered students between grades K and 6 from six birth nations (Nepal, Eritrea, Mexico, Ethiopia, Iraq and Sudan), the 2013 VBS got off to a great start. During the three day event (July 15-17), 33 of those registered participated at least once, but most were present for all three days.

Webster Gardens Lutheran Church again partnered with CFNA for this special cross cultural ministry event, providing curriculum materials with a focus on the prophet Jonah, large group programs, snacks and nine staff members led by Rev. Brian King.

CFNA was pleased to provide a similar number of staff members, many of whom were New Americans (from five birth nations). Their primary role was to serve as small group leaders, which they handled very well. Interestingly, most of these leaders have been studying in Lutheran schools as CFNA scholarship recipients for the past several years.

Our thanks to Webster Gardens Lutheran Church for their partnership, and to the New American youth for their participation.