Blankets for New Americans

Julie Carmeier & Sarah Starks with one of the blankets from St. John, New Minden

One of the key items for distribution among recently arrived refugees is blankets, and CFNA is always running out of them. Recently St. John Lutheran Church, New Minden, IL stepped up in a big way, demonstrating that you don’t have to live nearby to help New Americans in urban St. Louis. 

Five years ago, a group of ladies at St. John decided to make blankets for those who needed them. The group meets twice per month to sew and tie blankets made from donated fabric. These have been shared nationwide, primarily for disaster relief purposes. When asked for suggestions regarding other destinations their pastor, Rev. Timothy Mueller, contacted the headquarters of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). 

It was suggested that CFNA, a registered LCMS service organization, could be a possibility.  Rev. Mueller was delighted to learn this could be a perfect fit, and so informed the ladies group. Shortly thereafter members Julie Karmeier and Sarah Starks (pictured) made the 60 mile trip to the Peace Center in St. Louis with 13 blankets. While there, they came to learn much more about CFNA! 

St. John, New Minden was founded in 1846, and has a baptized membership of 355 people. Along with their blanket-making efforts, they are also trying to preserve the history of their congregation by rebuilding their first church building. The building served many purposes over its more than 170 years but was destroyed by a tornado in 2017. The congregation was able to salvage the building’s large ceiling beams and used them in the construction of their beautiful new worship center. 

For more information about St. John, New Minden see We are so thankful for the generous members of St. John and especially the hard-working members of the ladies group, along with many other congregations, near and far, who help support the ministry of CFNA.


To learn how your congregation can help, see  

Submitted by
Heather Bozarth
CFNA Communications Associate