Blessing Others

Have you experienced trouble, a time of need or a challenge that seemed beyond your ability to solve or overcome? Have you received a blessing of deliverance through a stranger who was willing to take the time to help?

I enjoy reflecting on life’s greatest challenges and circumstances. In retrospect, I often laugh out loud as I see how God, time and time again, provided a safe passage through my troubles, difficulties, or sadness. He is a God that delivers His people and provides safe passage (Exodus 14). At the time of crisis, things seem beyond my ability to overcome. I have often received God’s rescuing grace and mercy through others who lent a helping hand.

We live in a fallen world that has been broken by sin. The Bible says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and that the wages of sin is death and eternal separation from God (Romans 6:23). We are unable to save ourselves from the wrath of God. We desperately need the love of Jesus. Praise be to God, even though we are sinners, in Christ we have the free gift of a safe passage home to heaven, redeemed and reconciled to God (Romans 5:6-8).

Charles Caciano St. Louis, MO