Valentine’s Day Party

good times

good times





water colors

water colors

This Valentine’s Day, the National Honor Society (NHS) students at Lutheran High School South (LHSS) decided, after much discussion, to host a party for the children of CFNA. The event consisted of four fun activity stations, a devotion, songs, and snack. The four stations included water coloring, heart-shaped cookie decorating, making Valentine’s Day cards, and a bingo station complete with candy hearts for game pieces. Our devotion for the tutors and the New American students was about how God gives us all valentines every day in many different ways.

The night was a blast with smiles and laughter everywhere, whether from the LHSS students or the New American kids. The decorated cookies and homemade valentines were fun to make and were enjoyed by everyone. We, at LHSS, would love to thank the Thursday night tutors and volunteers for helping make our night run smoothly and for helping out at each of the activity stations.

We love coming to CFNA multiple times every year and seeing new and familiar faces. Visiting and forming relationships with all the volunteer staff people and especially the New American kids is something special for all of us.

In the words of LHSS student Abby Mitchell, “It was the best party of my life! I'll never forget the excitement on all the kids’ faces.” We love coming to the Peace Center and being with these kids.

LHSS student Sophie Vandeloecht put it this way, “Volunteering at CFNA is a lot of fun and a great experience. Personally, I helped the kids make Valentine’s Day cards, and they were really fun to be around. I loved volunteering and helping out at CFNA, and I would definitely do so again.”

Everyone came together at the end of the evening to sing songs old and new. Indeed, we enjoyed coming to the Peace Center, and again thank all of the volunteers and tutors who helped make this event possible.

By Avery Starnes President, National Honor Society - LHSS Member, Concordia Lutheran Church - Kirkwood