Christmas at Holy Cross

Mandira Tamang, Buddhi Tamang, Beki guragai

Mandira Tamang, Buddhi Tamang, Beki guragai

There was joy. Resounding, loud, wild, excited joy filled the hallways and old classrooms of the school building at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. The world was there in all sorts of accents and colors—and there was joy.

Approximately 70 children and adults gathered on Monday December 16th to celebrate the Joy of the Christ child with Christmas festivities. Warm food and drink started the evening off as youth and adults visited, sharing conversation and even some sharing their dinners. Youth divided into age groups and created ornament crafts as well as playing games and transforming friends into tissue paper Christmas trees!

Joy continued as the group marched over to the Holy Cross sanctuary, pouring itself out in songs and scripture readings. Pastor Bob Bernhardt shared a message of hope and trust reflecting on the good plan of God to send a Savior to our broken world, and someday restore our full joy in His New Creation. Children cheered as heartfelt thank yous were shared with tutors and leaders of CFNA. The evening closed as children received gifts donated by Village Lutheran Church and SLU’s Filipino Student Association, and then skipped away with siblings and chaperones taking joyful hearts home to share!

The Lord has come and the Lord is coming—Joy to the World!

By:  Sarah Bernhardt