Space Heaters for New Americans

gagan gurung, Mani gurung

gagan gurung, Mani gurung

During the recent cold snap, with wind chill temperatures at times nearly -30 degrees, sufficient heat in homes and apartments became a genuine concern. In response to a CFNA appeal sent out shortly before Christmas, 30 space heaters were received from numerous generous donors. Each heater was received with much gratitude.

Through the good efforts of CFNA volunteers and facilitators, especially Mr. Gagan Gurung, these were distributed to New American families either prior to or during the cold weather. It is estimated approximately 125 New Americans were the beneficiaries of this effort. A majority of the recipients had arrived in St. Louis from refugee camps in Nepal within the past six months. All credit to Gagan for quickly identifying the most needy families.

As with all refugees, they arrived with very little.  In addition, some were experiencing heating problems, as was the family of Mani Gurung. His rented home had been without heat for the previous three days, forcing the family to move in with others.

For Mani and all the recipients, the heaters were received as a most fitting Christmas gift from those in the Lutheran community who took this opportunity to be of service, responding as Christian friends.