Christmas Is Coming!

Tab Blanket

Christmas giving??  A tab blanket, a pretty purse, an oven mitt…now is a great time to support and encourage our Afghan ladies by ordering handmade items for family and friends. They will serve as a daily reminder to pray for our refugee sisters and their families.

With the assistance of great volunteers who come like manna from Heaven and helpful translation apps, our Afghan ladies sew every Wednesday.  There is lots of talking and laughing as the women acquire a skill, earn some money, learn English, socialize, and discuss life in St. Louis where it rains “cats and dogs” (a fun ESL joke 😊)! Of greatest importance is the time of sharing the story of God’s love by using the Jesus Film in their own language.


See our catalog of sewing items and order blank. Email, call, or text to order items, or to suggest items, volunteer, and/or set up a display at your church. For details, contact or (314) 517-8513. 

By Carol Buckman