Driver's Ed and ESL!

“Debbie Ma’am … CFNA is overwhelmed with applications for our Driver’s Ed class, especially from our newly arrived Afghan friends, and we need your help.” This was Pastor Stanish’s plea when he invited me to serve as the Coordinator for the CFNA Driver’s Ed/ESL ministry. Among other things, this has provided me with an unexpected opportunity to learn firsthand how CFNA and its partner organizations and congregations are positively affecting growing numbers of refugees and immigrants living in urban St. Louis.

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With a list of more than 30 Driver’s Ed students, there was no debating the need, and the service opportunity that came with it. In an attempt to keep up with demand, I have been assisting with classroom instruction, English vocabulary needed for driving, record keeping, etc. Additionally, I also coordinate our volunteer instructors, as well as the use of the CFNA vehicle by our student permit holders.

A word about the vehicle: It was gifted to us by Oasis International, and has been a blessing! Our students think so too, as evidenced by the fact that the first student to use it — Sarah from Pakistan — passed her driver’s test and received her license just a couple of weeks ago!

Recently, a father and son from Afghanistan both received their permits — and they are truly happy. Previously they had to walk several city blocks to get groceries for their large family of 11 people! As son Sadar put it, “In America you need a car. Without it, life is so difficult. You can do nothing.”

A little sequel to this happy story. As was previously mentioned, Sardar also received his permit, but it was issued with a restriction. He needed glasses. As it turned out, those volunteers who helped him get his permit also helped him get his glasses. The good Lord is always working!

CFNA is thankful for the numerous volunteers who are making this impactful activity a blessing to new Americans. There is more work to be done and more volunteers are needed for help with teaching and with the practice driving. If you feel led to join us in this effort, please reach out to CFNA at

By Debbie McBride
CFNA Driver’s Ed Coordinator